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My Business


Why work with me?

My business is like no other


I've created this business from the various qualifications, courses and experiences gained in my two careers (teaching and counselling). This business is one of my good ideas. Anyone who has worked with me will know that I am full of good ideas and they always turn out to be memorable!


My work is a purposeful blend of counselling, coaching and education which I adapt to meet the needs of clients. In all my work, my intention is to increase AWARENESS so clients can create conscious CHOICES and follow through with inspired action for CHANGE.


I am an accumulation of many other people’s wisdom. I use this to help to MAKE LIFE EASIER for clients or in the case of schools to MAKE LIFE SAFER.

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One quote and one man that changed the way I worked … Dr Joe Dispenza

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I do love research as it gives some evidence of what works and what doesn’t. I always focus on what does work. 


Dr Joe explains the brain is either creating or surviving.

95% of our behaviour is based upon a set of programmes created in early life so mainly behaviour choices are made for us to keep us safe. 


This quote changed my understanding of the hidden power of unconscious beliefs and confirmed that making conscious choices was the most powerful way to create a balanced personal and professional life. 

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Two curriculums that taught me how to be a magician 


I have always been fascinated with things like early psychology, ancient civilisations and philosophy.  It’s no surprise I was mesmerised by these two courses as they are based on ancient Hermetic principles, Quantum Physics and Alchemy.

Plus I’ve always wanted to be a magician.  


During the pandemic I stumbled across the work of Chris Duncan at Conscious Education.


It was so powerful and focused on creating NOT problem solving.  I've sat in the therapy room with many clients who think they're broken. The reality is ... 

YOU are not broken.


I was totally hooked and became a Magnetic Mind Coach. I now have a ton of useful techniques that support my work, of course this includes the super useful Superconscious Recode.  



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Chris’s work led me to the work of William Whitecloud, author of ‘The Magicians Way’, 'The Last Shaman' and 'Secrets of Natural Success'. I loved his work and his approach. It was like going to growing up school. So like a real geek I did all of his courses to mastery level.


William's work made clear the most important part of creative living was the STRUCTURE we live from-either a psychological structure based on our unconscious beliefs or a creative structure based purely on what you love. I use the creative structure as the foundation of all my work. 


In the creative structure, you can make up your new story to show your true potential AND drop any old stories that really don't serve you any more.

Drop the story    Keep the wisdom    Create your own story.

These course taught me how I have created all the results I did AND didn’t want in my life. It was a game changer to find out in some shape or form that I was creating ALL my pitfalls.


Both these curriculums taught me about superconscious memory, how to access this using my intuition and how to consistently use choices to create who I want to be and what I want in my life. 


Now for the first time in my life, I'm not searching for the illusion of ME and I am living with purpose again. 


I want to share this work with you so you too can make choices to create your best self and best life, both personally and professionally.


One man who gave me key tools for self mastery …
Dr John Demartini


Well I thought I had all the tools of self-mastery in my bag. This was until I started reading 'The Breakthough Experience' by Dr John Demartini. He has read over 20,000 books related to all the 'ologies' and used the essence for his teachings. His insatiable desire for wisdom drew me into his world and I had to do his Breakthrough Method.


His work was next level. He proved to me that EVERYTHING is, in one form or another, an expression of love and the key ... finding balance and having gratitude. 


So now I am a Therapist on a mission to give people self-mastery so choices are made to live an inspiring life.

This is your opportunity to live an inspired life that you love and you have purposefully created.


Qualifications and Experiences



For those who really want to know…


My Qualifications:


February 2022 - The Breakthrough Experience On-line  Dr John Demartini  The Demartini Institute

November 2021 - Effective Safeguarding Supervision in Education  Safeguarding Support UK

March - September 2021: Create Your Destiny, Alchemy for Success Creative Warrior, Mastery – Natural Success Academy  William Whitecloud  On-line based in USA

2021: The Couples Counselling Toolkit – The Counselling Academy 

2021 – to end of year:  Superconscious Mastery: transformation, Intuition and Creation  Chris Duncan-Conscious Education  On-line based in Australia

2020 – 2021: Magnetic Mind Certified Coach  Chris Duncan -Conscious Education 

2020:  Accredited Online and Telephone Counselling Course  Counselling Tutor

2020:  Understanding Sex Addiction from a BioPsychoSocial Perspective  The Laurel Centre

2019 – 2020: BSc (Hons) Counselling – Grief and loss; Working with couples  Staffordshire University

2017: CPCAB Level 4 Certificate in Counselling Children  Place2Be Manchester

2016 – 2018: Level 4 Therapeutic Counselling Diploma  Warrington Collegiate

2017 – 2018: Gestalt Therapy Foundation Course  Manchester Gestalt Centre 

2017:  BRIEF Solution Focused Practice Foundation Course  BRIEF – Salford University

2016: Understanding and Working with Child Loss & Bereavement in Counselling and Helping Relationships Open Awards Alder Centre, Alder Hey Hospital

2016: Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Children Place2Be Manchester

1997: Post Graduate Certificate in Education

1996: BSc (Hons) Geography and IT


My work experiences:


* Part time counsellor of hospital staff and child bereaved clients at the Alder Centre, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Liverpool – A centre for anyone affected by child death – started as a student in 2016.

* Safeguarding Supervisor in a primary school in Liverpool.

* Create Your Destiny (CYD) zoom host


* Two years as a school child counsellor 

* 18 years as a primary school teacher at St Basil's Primary in Widnes.

*One year as a Park Ranger.

* Three months making custard in a canteen for Pilkington Glass.

* One week in a wallpaper shop!


Professional Details:


I’m an accredited member of British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists -BACP, and use their Ethical Framework to guide me in all my work.   I have monthly clinical supervision. I am fully insured with an up-to-date DBS for all my work.

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